- tonydorigo
- Blog
- November 1, 2024
Zarach – The Children’s Bed Charity
Zarach – The Children’s Bed Charity
Today’s post concerns a charity I encountered while working at Elland Road as an Ambassador for a Leeds United home match. They’re called Zarach and were founded by Deputy Head Teacher Bex Wilson, who works at an inner-city Leeds school.
In 2017, Bex asked her 11-year-old student if he was tired, as he wasn’t his usual happy self lately. The answer, “Miss, I’m always tired as I don’t have a bed”, was to stoke a fire that burns ever larger. Zarach was formed: “We’re on a mission to lift children out of bed poverty.”
Their vision, by 2027, is to end bed poverty in England by providing 1,000 beds a week alongside family engagement support. What struck me were the numbers involved right here in England. It’s estimated that 900,000 children are living in bed poverty, and Zarach wants to provide a complete bed bundle and support, one bed at a time.
I recently supported a Burberry Golf Day, where Zarach was one of 2 charities that received generous donations from the day itself. I also volunteered to deliver beds in and around Leeds, a sobering day that always ended with delight and gratitude from the young recipients.
Zarach recently moved to a larger warehouse in Leeds and has already set up nationwide satellite centres for growing demand. Of course, this means more donations/money is required, and anyone reading this who would like to join their mission in any way, I’m sure you would be most welcome.
Bex and her team are doing a fantastic job; Zarach would love to hear from you at www.zarach.org or drop me a comment below.
#bedpoverty #charity #zarach